Let's brainstorm plumbing equipment required for the most common plumbing jobs
Plumbing comes with a whole catalogue of specialist tools. If you're going to do the job, make sure you get the right tools!.
- Basin wrench - Has a pivoting jaw that can be set for tightening or loosening tap connectors.
- Bending springs - You can bend copper pipes up to 28mm in diameter by hand. To stop the pipe kinking, insert a bending spring, available in 15mm and 22mm sizes.
- Cranked spanner - Double-ended wrench, also for use on tap connectors.
- Epoxy putty - For patch repairs to all types of leaking pipework.
- Freezing kit - When you want or need to do plumbing work without draining the system, use a freezing kit to create temporary ice plugs in the pipework.
- Half metal file - For removing burrs inside the ends of cut copper pipe.
- Lavatory auger - Insert the wire and rotate the handle to clear the blockage.
- Mini pipe cutter - Works like a pipe cutter but circular-shaped, and so ideal for working in confined spaces.
- Pipe bending machine - If you're running a lot of new copper pipes, this tool is invaluable. Its levers make easy work of bending pipes to the profiles you need.
- Pipe cleaning rods - Flexible metre-long polypropylene rods that screw together so you can reach blockages in drains and inspection chambers. You can get a range of cleaning heads, from scrapers and plungers to corkscrews.
- Pipe cutter - It's possible to cut copper pipe with a hacksaw, but for a more accurate and neat job, use a pipe cutter. Some come with a built-in reamer to remove burrs and rough edges from the inside of the pipe.
- Pipe or Stillson wrench - Designed for gripping pipework, the jaws of the wrench self-tighten as you apply force.
- Pipe repair clip - For instant but temporary repairs to pipes, clamp this rubber-lined collar over the leak and tighten the screws to seal it.
- Plunger - The traditional device for clearing a blocked sink, basin or bath. Pump it up and down to create pulses of air and water.
- Radiator bleed key - For releasing trapped air from a radiator.
- Slip-joint (or water pump) pliers - With long handles and an easy-to-adjust slip jaw, these pliers are a useful tool for undoing fittings. To avoid damaging the finish, use a precision spanner instead.
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